L’éducation numérique et les enjeux de l’école du futur : la Tunisie comme exemple
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are currently affecting every aspect of human life. They play a prominent role in the workplace, business, education and entertainment. In addition, many see ICTs as catalysts for change; changing working conditions, information processing and exchange, teaching methods, learning styles, scientific research and access to information and communication technologies. In the digital age, the use of ICTs in the classroom is important to provide students with the opportunity to acquire and apply the required skills of the 21st century. ICTs enhance teaching and learning and are important for teachers to exercise their role as creators of educational environments. ICTs help the teacher to deliver instruction in an engaging and conducive way to learners at all levels of educational programs. Today in Tunisia, training programs that make them useful and attractive are provided under the term ICT. It is clear that information and communication technologies represented by the Internet and interactive multimedia constitute an important axis of future education and must be effectively integrated into formal teaching and learning; especially in teacher training institutions.In the context of the competence-based approach chosen and applied in the Tunisian educational system, we will examine in this article the following problems: a) What is the reality of the use of ICT in the Tunisian educational establishment ? b) To what extent do teachers use ICT in their educational models? c) What are the challenges of the project to create a digital school (the school of the future) from the point of view of teachers and all stakeholders in the Tunisian educational system ?
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/mje.5264
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