Analyse d’activités-élèves lors de tâches de programmation médiatisées par des robots-voitures en Technologie.



In Tunisia, third-year electrical engineering teachers in the Technical Sciences section use robotics to develop programming learning situations in technology. The aim of this research is to study the way in which the mediator-instrument (in this case, a robot-car) may interact with the students' learning through their conceptions and strategies developed during the programming activity. Using Viau's model of academic motivation and video recordings in class, we analyse the actual activity of the pupils as they develop a programme to control the robot artefact. We also analyse the way in which they mobilise the knowledge at stake in this situation. The results tend to show that the pupils are, on the one hand, strongly engaged in the programming task by the presence of the robot, and on the other hand, if the technological device is working properly then the pupils remain engaged in the task.


Problematisation, scientific debate, conceptual change, macroscopic analysis, mesoscopic analysis, microscopic analysis

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