La résolution créative de problèmes ouverts : approche didactique
Creativity and problem solving are cross-curricular skills that are as important for life in general as in a professional setting to face the difficulties that we encounter and which are often '' open problems ''. What are the most useful didactic concepts for teaching / learning creativity? What would be the content to be taught for learning creativity? Poincarré, Koestler, Wallas, ... have proposed models of creativity. However, an important aspect remained unexplored in their theories: how, in practice, to derive applicable results, to creatively solve problems from the combination of ideas or from the bisociation of different planes distant at the origin, or from idea of divergence. Our hypothesis is that the point of view of science didactics can provide some answers to these questions. The useful didactic concepts, which we propose, are explained and tested in a few cases of open problems.
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